Claire Copersino
The North Fork Yoga Shala
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 516 443 5626
North Fork Yoga Shala
You can find our Shanti Shack at:
The Fishing Station, Port of Egypt Marine
62300 NY-25 Main Rd, Southold, NY 11971
We are nestled in the southeastern most corner of the Port of Egypt Marine Property. If we were any further away from the road we would be on the floating dock! Enter from NY-25 in front of Alure Restaurant, and drive past Alure, keeping the restaurant on your right, as you head toward the water, driving diagonally to the east (left) of the boat ramp, all the way to the very southeastern corner next to the fence (Waypoint Restaurant on other side of the fence) and directly on the waterfront overlooking the bay and Shelter Island. Tuck your chariot in where you can; just make sure we have egress all the way around the building.